《 象 外 》翁道胜荷兰个展

栏目:展览 SHOWS 发布时间:2018-07-30
Speaking in the language of painting, Weng Daosheng represents a world beyond images. A visual language derived from the figurative and reality...

Beyond images

A world beyond imagination.


展览时间:2018 07/31-08/11

Speaking in the language of painting, Weng Daosheng represents a world beyond images. A visual language derived from the figurative and reality,
where the eternal things you are deliberately looking for in reality are not found. And perhaps are elevated to an ideology.

Beyond images shows the performance in the world of the mind, although it seems like concrete images, it emerged from the abstract. Beyond images.

This exhibition is a result from the warm cooperation between the city of Enschede, Dalian Zhongshan Art museum (China) and ARE (Artist Residencies Enschede).
Weng Daosheng has been invited by Cheng Liang, curator of Dalian Zhongshan Art museum, to participate in the exchange program between Dalian and Enschede.
He has been living and working at the ARE studio at art initiative B93 for several weeks and concludes this period with an exhibition. 

Curators: Cheng Liang and Marlies van Grootel

Monolith   oil on canvas   60cm x 40cm   2018   

Tracing To The Source   Oil on photo   25.2cm x 20.2cm   2018  

The Unboumded   Oil on photo   25.2cm x 20.2cm   2018  

Totem   Oil on photo   25.2cm x 20.2cm   2018 

Rise   Oil on photo   25.2cm x 20.2cm   2018

In The Clouds   Oil on photo   25.2cm x 20.2cm   2018  

Enschede 1    Acrylic on paper   20.2cm x 25.2cm   2018

Enschede 2   Acrylic on paper   20.2cm x 25.2cm   2018 

Enschede 3   Acrylic on paper   20.2cm x 25.2cm   2018 

Beyond images